Monday, October 20, 2008

It's too close for comfort

Ok, so it's been a while and I have some things to blog about that is for sure. Jon came to visit almost a month ago now. He took the train and I met him in Whitefish, MT. While I was waiting for him in Whitefish (very similar town to Whitefish Bay in Wisconsin) I made the best of my time. I made a coffee mug, well made as much as I painted the inside and outside with fire-able paints. Jon and I spent the first night he was here in Whitefish, we then drove to Butte, where we spent the majority of our time as I was not really on vacation. The whole time that Jon was here, from the minute he walked through the door at the hotel he was asking me, "Will you..." I knew instantly what I wanted him to end that question with. But, the end didn't come until Thursday September 25, 2008 when I had had enough and asked him, "Will I what, marry you?" to which he said, "Yes". I gave him the evil eye, and was like, "Are you serious?" and he was so of course I said, "YES!!" We called the family, and texted the friends letting them all know that we were engaged with amazing responses.

So, Jon and I set a wedding year long before I left for Butte, Montana so that was knocked out of the planning thankfully, now the more difficult plans need to come together. Like picking a date, a location for the wedding, a location for the reception, and what the colors, flowers, and the bridal party numbers will be. After about 30 seconds I had my flowers decided on, Stargazer lilies with Gerber daisies and some other very pretty delicate flowers. I have read quite a bit on weddings and what is appropriate, and acceptable for announcements, and for the reception. Jon and I both don't drink so I was trying to limit the number of drinks each person could have, but then I read somewhere that instead of having a full-on dinner with open/available bar that some people are moving towards cake and bubbly receptions. Then I read that some people aren't even doing cake professionally made, but are going to homemade pies-it will depend on what the reception hall will allow I guess. I am pretty sure I have the style of dress picked out for myself, and I am moving towards just letting my bridesmaids pick their own dress styles within the color field that I have chosen. Lots of reading, and doing yet to do. Jon wants to get married in a Catholic church, and there is planning that needs to be done with that considering I am not Catholic and I have no desire to convert.

On top of all that good news I have made strives in my VISTA position too. I have created one sustainable project for the whole state of Montana, not just Safe Space. I am working now on preparing for volunteer training that is going on at the end of this week-then we are done with all of the Domestic Violence month activities!!! I then am going to go to work on planning and coordinating a inter-agency training on people with disabilities who are victims of domestic violence. Bridgett, the MSW practicum student from MTech, and I are going to work on this training together since she has the hook-up with all the professionals that I want to be involved and I have the material and I want to boost my resume for professional content. Then when I'm home for Christmas break I am going to work on finding a grant or two that I can apply for that won't be a burden on Tonya's schedule to keep up. Preferably one basically for technology upgrades!

Home for Christmas is something else I am excited about. I bought my train ticket almost two weeks ago now and I will be home in less than two months! I am leaving Thursday December 18 from Whitefish, this means I am taking the bus up to Whitefish Wednesday December 17 from Butte. I will be in Milwaukee by December 19, this is something that pleases me greatly!!! I figured I will be gone from December 17 to January 6, 2009. This basically uses all my vacation time, but I am ok with that as I will be working a little bit because what else am I going to do when Jon is working and I am in the apartment, honestly!