Friday, January 16, 2009

Mix of Emotions

I just don't know what to think, a lot of things have happened in the last month and now I'm stuck holding too much emotional baggage and I need to dump some of it.

Jon and I spent an amazing Christmas holiday season together. We spent time with my mom and the kids, with my dad and step-mom, and with his family (parents and meeting a brother and wife and sister and husband). Our families may not know each other but we are getting to know each others families :) Over New Year's Jon and I were in Chicago and we did the Sears Tower and went shopping on Michigan Ave and picked out my engagement ring. It is the most gorgeous ring I've seen in a long time!

I didn't get to see my Gram while I was home for vacation, and by the time I see her again it will have been well over a year since I've seen her. I was sworn to secrecy about a person's health in my family because this person hasn't told me yet but Jon couldn't keep a secret from me. I had to leave Milwaukee, and Wisconsin for that matter, and all the family, friends, and modern ammenities!

I have been shut down by someone that I love in trying to help them. I had to come back to Butte. I had to listen to a lady at a class I was taking be rude to strangers. I had to put on hold my plans because of my discust for humanity at a place that should bring nothing but goodness and faith. That my house is so cold and at myself for not taking the action steps to correct it.

For having a major stressor in my house gone. For being welcomed back with waiting and open arms in Butte. For being able to set my own schedule and do things on my time. Being able to do what I say I will because of this flexiblity.

I'm sure there is more but for now I feel better!