Wednesday, February 4, 2009


I was feeling so great before this evening. I had this really empowering day yesterday and I got 'fed' emotionally for that. I was told that the ladies I presented with said amazing things and was told by the executive director that she was so proud of me, and grateful that I went and did it. And to be honest, even though I was super tired afterward, I had the best day in a long time. I felt that I actually did something worth while.

But then Debbie Downer decided that she would rain on my parade. I am so mad at myself for letting it ruin my natural, well deserved, high. See Debbie Downer lost her job, well not yet technically, and she is all pissy. Misery loves company I hear, and it was proven tonight.

I will work on not anchoring someone's high. Sounds like a good goal for all Debbie Downers out there too!