Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Feeling a rush of love is always a good thing...

Today is my two year anniversary with making better choices. It is also my two year anniversary of being sober, they seem to go hand-in-hand. I was just talking with a friend of mine in Butte, and I was telling her that two years ago I became a different person. A person who is a bit more grown-up, who made better decisions, and to my surprise she said that I was doing a fantastic job of it. She later joked that I had finally ruined my perfect reputation in her eyes, I confessed that I had forgotten to mail out a birthday card until the day of the birthday (Sorry Steph!).

Today when I checked the mail I was very surprised to find a box, and 2 cards with my name on them. I had not ordered anything for myself so the box came as a shock to me. It turns out it was a congrats gift from my step-mom. The Tibetan Prayer Flag book and flags. It is a thoughtful gift! The cards were from Jeanne and Jon. Jeanne as in my mother-in-law to be. I was overwhelmed by all the kindness! So the sudden rush of feeling loved was a perfect gift!