Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Paperwork Paperwork Paperwork...

So the end is in sight, I have completed the last two quarterly reports, and I am working on a 75 page summary of accomplishments that will be left as part of my legacy at Safe Space.

I should know what my flight plans are on Thursday, which is very exciting! I am very excited to be going home because I have the interview of all interviews Tuesday July 21. It is for a professional staff instructor position at The Crisis Prevention Institute in Brookfield, WI. I would be doing trainings about the US for professionals in the social services field! This is THE job for me, so keep me in your thoughts :)

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

This weekend

This weekend was the beginning of the end for me as a VISTA in Montana. Saturday my friends from Miles City and Glendive came over for the last visit of our year. I had planned a few things for us to do-you know Butte style :). Saturday we played Texas Hold 'Em until I had won a whole quarter. Sunday we got up and went to Philipsburg to the candy store, and the Granite Ghost Town. The views were amazing from up in the ghost town, but the drive up there was slightly scary! That night we went to the Anaconda legend, the Washoe Theatre and saw Star Trek. The theater is amazingly maintained and restored to the historic luster of old-time!

Monday morning we all slept in as we had been up late on Sunday. When we did finally wake up we decided that we would head to the Lewis and Clark Caverns for a tour. Well, no one told me that it was a 3/4 mile hike up hill to the cavern entrance, 1/2 mile walk in the cavern (bending and stooping, sliding and walking down wet/slippery stairs, etc.) and then 3/4 of a mile back to the base camp, this time on a straight piece of land. For all the huffing and puffing I did to get up to the cavern, I would have done it another time for the natural beauty and luster of the caverns. Our tour guide was an amazing young (God I'm old) lady, she had great knowledge and corny jokes to tell. That night for dinner I made dinner on the grill, and we went to see 'Up' at the drive-in movie theater. I could have guessed that Danielle and Everet had never been to one, as they are from very populous areas.

Tuesday morning we were up and adam by 8:30a because we needed to get to Fairmont Hot Springs Resort for our Close of Service Ceremony and accompanying training for post-AmeriCorps living. The ceremony was great, and mushy and well attended by VISTAs as well as their leaders and supervisors. Tonya, Bridget and Ellen came to show support for me. Ellen and Tonya brought a "Safe Space-ized" card and 18 beautiful orange roses for me! After dinner each sponsoring agency broke off and had a private recognition ceremony, and of course Michelle spoke great words of encouragement and made some jokes but was overall serious. And then we headed for the bar for the first round on Michelle. Danielle and I weren't there for long-we decided to make a break for the hot springs :) They were great, it was only like 45 degrees outside so the outdoors ones were a big hit. And then, I headed back for the bar to hang out with who ever was there, and low and behold Michelle and some other MLSA VISTAs were there hanging out having a good time. I joined them for a couple of hours and then decided that I was too old and tired to hang out much longer so I headed for bed. Eleven o'clock and I was in bed...lame-o I know! My roommate stumbled in at about 2a, but didn't cause too much of a ruckus which was nice :).

Wednesday, this morning, Everet, Danielle, Rebecca and I woke up early and headed into Butte for a trip up to see the Lady of the Rockies. It was just as beautiful as I remembered but the ride down was way less frightening this time around. We ate at Christina's Cocina and then we all went our separate ways. Overall it was a great weekend-I would definitely do everything we did this weekend over, but probably with some pain reliever close by!

Like always check out the Flickr account for pictures :)