Wednesday, December 30, 2009

New Year, New Me!

So, with the encouragement of my step-mom, Katie, I have decided that training for my first 5k would be a wonderful way to get some exercise and pump endorphins into my system! I recently signed up at for their introduction to running your first 5k. I am currently not working out as much as possible, I use the Wii Fit or the Just Dance or the Jenny McCarthy Your Shape a couple times per week. This means that the first couple of weeks of my 8 week course are going to be difficult, but I should be able to maintain it :)

Worked out last night with Amanda, we did the Just Dance video game on the Wii, which I got for free from I broke a sweat one song in but did several others, Amanda whooped me even though I have played before. Tonight I am going to take off but I should go for my first run tomorrow while I am in Appleton :)

Keep coming back hopefully I will start to post pictures to go along with this!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Life and lemons...

So, it checks out that I have not shared with the internet in a while. I have had a few things go on since my last post! I moved back from Montana, spent a few weeks (like 8) unemployed in one of the worst hit cities in Wisconsin. I finally landed a great job at Herzing University Online. I am a re-entry specialist, helping students from all over get back into school! I spend most of my day looking at my computer screen and cursing my eyesite (yay for health, vision and dental insurance finally kicking in last week!). Gearing up for the January 6, 2010 start. Currently I have 14 students ready, and about that many wrapping things up :)

Jon and I had our engagement pictures taken when the weather was nice. Although we will not be getting married when I wanted because he had a shunt revision and the job that he found was crappy and they fired him (basically not literally) while he was in the hospital recovering from BRAIN surgery. We will now have to move our wedding date to sometime later.

While Jon was in the hopsital Jon's mom and I moved our entire apartment, with some help from our friends. We now reside in Wauwatosa, a suburb of Milwaukee, in a huge two bedroom apartment with Fiona. Fiona is a resuce cat, she is 7, almost 8 years old and finally coming out of her shell! She played with the "cat charmer" yesterday for the first time ever :) The apartment has a large eat-in kitchen, a formal dining room, a large living room, and two large bedrooms. Hardwood floors in almost every room, and subway tiles in the bathroom!!! We may be having a house warming party on the 8th of January instead of having our courthouse wedding...details yet to be decided.

Keep coming back more updates more frequently, I promise :)

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Paperwork Paperwork Paperwork...

So the end is in sight, I have completed the last two quarterly reports, and I am working on a 75 page summary of accomplishments that will be left as part of my legacy at Safe Space.

I should know what my flight plans are on Thursday, which is very exciting! I am very excited to be going home because I have the interview of all interviews Tuesday July 21. It is for a professional staff instructor position at The Crisis Prevention Institute in Brookfield, WI. I would be doing trainings about the US for professionals in the social services field! This is THE job for me, so keep me in your thoughts :)

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

This weekend

This weekend was the beginning of the end for me as a VISTA in Montana. Saturday my friends from Miles City and Glendive came over for the last visit of our year. I had planned a few things for us to do-you know Butte style :). Saturday we played Texas Hold 'Em until I had won a whole quarter. Sunday we got up and went to Philipsburg to the candy store, and the Granite Ghost Town. The views were amazing from up in the ghost town, but the drive up there was slightly scary! That night we went to the Anaconda legend, the Washoe Theatre and saw Star Trek. The theater is amazingly maintained and restored to the historic luster of old-time!

Monday morning we all slept in as we had been up late on Sunday. When we did finally wake up we decided that we would head to the Lewis and Clark Caverns for a tour. Well, no one told me that it was a 3/4 mile hike up hill to the cavern entrance, 1/2 mile walk in the cavern (bending and stooping, sliding and walking down wet/slippery stairs, etc.) and then 3/4 of a mile back to the base camp, this time on a straight piece of land. For all the huffing and puffing I did to get up to the cavern, I would have done it another time for the natural beauty and luster of the caverns. Our tour guide was an amazing young (God I'm old) lady, she had great knowledge and corny jokes to tell. That night for dinner I made dinner on the grill, and we went to see 'Up' at the drive-in movie theater. I could have guessed that Danielle and Everet had never been to one, as they are from very populous areas.

Tuesday morning we were up and adam by 8:30a because we needed to get to Fairmont Hot Springs Resort for our Close of Service Ceremony and accompanying training for post-AmeriCorps living. The ceremony was great, and mushy and well attended by VISTAs as well as their leaders and supervisors. Tonya, Bridget and Ellen came to show support for me. Ellen and Tonya brought a "Safe Space-ized" card and 18 beautiful orange roses for me! After dinner each sponsoring agency broke off and had a private recognition ceremony, and of course Michelle spoke great words of encouragement and made some jokes but was overall serious. And then we headed for the bar for the first round on Michelle. Danielle and I weren't there for long-we decided to make a break for the hot springs :) They were great, it was only like 45 degrees outside so the outdoors ones were a big hit. And then, I headed back for the bar to hang out with who ever was there, and low and behold Michelle and some other MLSA VISTAs were there hanging out having a good time. I joined them for a couple of hours and then decided that I was too old and tired to hang out much longer so I headed for bed. Eleven o'clock and I was in bed...lame-o I know! My roommate stumbled in at about 2a, but didn't cause too much of a ruckus which was nice :).

Wednesday, this morning, Everet, Danielle, Rebecca and I woke up early and headed into Butte for a trip up to see the Lady of the Rockies. It was just as beautiful as I remembered but the ride down was way less frightening this time around. We ate at Christina's Cocina and then we all went our separate ways. Overall it was a great weekend-I would definitely do everything we did this weekend over, but probably with some pain reliever close by!

Like always check out the Flickr account for pictures :)

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Just a quicky...

My trip to Yellowstone was amazing! I went with my friend Ellen, we saw tons of bison and elk. We caught a glimpse of a coyote and heard rumors that there were three wolves lurking on a distant bank but couldn't see them. We hung out long enough to see the unfaithful geyser known as Old Faithful erupt. All and all I would have to say that it is something people have to see at least three times in their lifetime, that means that I have to go back at least twice more!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

With such a short time left...

I ponder what have I not done yet that I really would like to do since I am already this far west. I am going to Yellowstone this weekend, so that will make 6 states that I have been to on my journey in Montana (Montana, Idaho, Utah, Arizona, Nevada, and Wyoming). I have been to a natural hot springs, I have seen the art movement in Whitefish, I have seen some of the historical things like Madison Buffalo Jump and Bannack. What else is there that I should not leave the state without seeing? My guide book is full of things but most of them don't really interest me and won't produce pretty pictures. Anyone with suggestions?

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Vegas, reveled...

So, just about a month ago I decided to take a trip down to Vegas, by myself. I drove from Butte, MT to Salt Lake City where I stopped and had Olive Garden! Yes, Olive Garden there is not one in Montana, and I hadn't had it since Jon, Amanda and I went out for dinner like the third night I was home for Christmas.

From Olive Garden I decided, with Jon's ever so subtle insistence, that I should look for a place to stay the night. I ended up deciding that a hotel room was too much money so I chose a hostel in Salt Lake City. I had never been to a hostel before and to be honest wasn't quiet sure I knew what I was getting myself into. And, boy oh boy was I in for a shock. I chose to go with the most economical room plan, which happened to be called the "dorm room" style, yeah freaking right I went to public college and there was never 3 sets of bunk beds in any of the rooms I lived in or saw! Well, any way I am getting ahead of myself in this portion of the story, first I had to have help finding the women that was going to be checking me into this wonderful establishment. To my rescue who should come? That's right a real live crack whore, fresh (and I'm using that word very very liberally) from what I am sure was a lovely binge/money making extravaganza! So, once the women and the crack whore come back into my sights I am promptly asked, "How long you stayin'?" I quickly weighed my options, leave and run far far away or go all-in with the experience, I answered, "Just the night, thanks." After the business aspect of the encounter was taken care of, you know copying my driver's license and accepting my cash and deposit (which I was told was for the room key and 'stuff') I was handed what I assumed was a mistake. That's right the women checking me in handed me a wad of cloth...I dared ask what it was for and she responded, those are your linens. Linens?!? I had to make my own bed, ok. But then, she told me that in order to get back my 10 dollar deposit I had to return them in the morning, I guess I got what I paid for there! So then I hike upstairs, the hostel is a renovated quad-plex with seperate men's and women's wings, I realize that my first encounter with the crack-whore was not going to be a rare occasion, as there were several people seemingly living in this place intended for travelers on a tight budget, not unlike myself. I quickly did another scan of things, remembering the no refunds sign prominently displayed at the check-in counter, and decided that I would just do what I needed this place for which was shower and sleep. So I gathered up my things and was off to the bathroom...NO TOWELS?!? There I was dripping wet after my shower, staring at the sign that says, no lie, "Towels for sale $5, Towels for rent $2". Well hell, I was naked and wet what was I going to do then? I just went on about my business and was the resourceful girl that I am, using my dirty shirt to dry my clean body off with...WONDERFUL! From there I took myself on the 1¢ tour, I learned that this hostel offered two bathrooms per floor/wing, and a living room as well as a kitchen, all of which reminded me of the half-way house I used to work in. After that I was off to my room, which I shared with one other women who was indeed traveling. She was from Australia, she was a bit too open with her sexuality for my personal taste being that she could easily have been my mother's age. Some things are just best done in the privacy of the shut and locked bathroom. What struck me as odd was the fact that, I was given a key to my room but when I tried to lock the door it was impossible, and after checking with my roommate she confirmed that some gentleman from the hostel was up earlier and had deemed that it was broken-AWESOME! Well the night was fast, and I was up at 6:45am so I could check out at 7. As I waited, yet again for the management person I had a discussion with one of the males that I assumed resided in this hostel. He was slightly more fresh than the first but more creepy so it evened itself out. I packed up the Dodge and was on my way.

Oh, yes I forgot to mention that the car I rented was a 2009 Dodge Caliber with power windows, power locks, air conditioning, cruise control and satellite radio! It was the perfect car for the trip, it got an average of like 27 miles per gallon and didn't have a problem going 80+ mph (what, the speed limits are 75 90% of the way and some even had 80mph test zones!). But, the best feature by far was one that I didn't even know it had until I was returning it...a regular wall outlet, you know like the ones in your house PERFECT!

So then from Salt Lake City I am headed, with the eye on the prize, towards Vegas. The drive was beautiful, but it also offered some very scary parts. Who knew that Arizona had the scariest piece of road I had ever seen, not me that's for sure! It was a twisty-turny nightmare with deadly consequences, what with the rocky sidelines, and straight drop-offs. Damn the Virginia River and erosion leading to the pretty but terrifying views.

So, I pull into Vegas after another 6.5 hours of driving tacked onto yesterday's 6.5 hours, and I have never been happier. It is the most breathtaking thing I had seen in a long time, huge buildings, ethnic variation, and places to spend money as far as the eye could see. I drove straight to the hotel of my choice, which also happened to be in my price range, the Motel 6 on Boulder Hwy. Now, let me clue you in Boulder Hwy is typically where most CSI units are sent on the show CSI, but I found no trouble with the neighborhood I was in. I was given the option of an internet ready room or not, it didn't cost anymore so I was slightly suspicious...I ended up in an internet ready room even though I didn't bring my computer. From there I drove the 5 miles from the Motel 6 to the Las Vegas Strip. I parked the car and decided to walk to Caesar's Palace, where there was a small WSOP event slated to happen that day. I was too early to see any of the stars so I walked over to Baileys Casino. And to my great surprise there happened to be a WPT event going on there, and it was break time! I watched Phil Hellmuth, Mike "The Mouth" Matusow, Mike Sexton, David (Chino) Rheem, Jennifer Harman, along with many others walk and mingle their way back into the room. My trip to Vegas was complete, well minus one other part, but more about that in a bit. I was so stunned, I was standing in the presence of great poker players! From there I walked around, I toured Paris and whatever other casino that is adjacent to Paris. I walked around, I scouted the purse selections, I decided that I was tired from all the walking and made the executive decision to relax while still seeing all of Vegas. I took the monorail, best $5 spent in Vegas. I didn't have to drive, I didn't have to sit in a hot car with no air conditioning, it was a wonderful experience. Oh, yeah and the monorail has a deal with the devil and sold Monster drinks for $1.50 per can. That is almost cheaper than I had ever seen it anywhere else! After my monorail experience, I was tired so I headed back to the hotel for a quick nap. That night I ate at Buffalo Wild Wings, my second favorite place to eat-so-much-I-get-sick at. And, I almost hate to say it but that night, my only night in Vegas I was sleeping by 11pm. Hey don't judge me, that was like 12am Montana time and I had been awake since before 7a. Besides, that next day I had big plans; it was shopping day! I had borrowed a GPS from a friend and scouted out where all the shopping was that I wanted to do so I was off and ready long before the stores even opened on Sundays. I made a quick pit stop at one of the many Vegas adult stores and then headed towards the outlet mall marked for my Coach shopping. I went, I saw, I purchased a REAL COACH WALLET!!! Now my trip was complete, professional poker players and Coach! I ate lunch at Jimmy John's, who knew I could miss certain foods so much?!? I did the touristy thing, you know took some pictures, hit Circus Circus, and the largest gift shop in all of Vegas. Then I took the strip a little further west and discovered all the wedding chapels, and pawn was great. I departed earlier than planned but it was necessary, remember the crazy roads I was to face?

The drive home was fairly uneventful, no accidents thankfully I made it to Idaho Falls (appx. 9 hours from Vegas) and then had to sleep. I slept in the Wal-Mart parking lot and then had Starbucks for breakfast and was on my way to finish the journey back to Butte America.

So, that was my journey. Want to see pictures from this event? Go to my flickr account to check them out!