Wednesday, December 30, 2009

New Year, New Me!

So, with the encouragement of my step-mom, Katie, I have decided that training for my first 5k would be a wonderful way to get some exercise and pump endorphins into my system! I recently signed up at for their introduction to running your first 5k. I am currently not working out as much as possible, I use the Wii Fit or the Just Dance or the Jenny McCarthy Your Shape a couple times per week. This means that the first couple of weeks of my 8 week course are going to be difficult, but I should be able to maintain it :)

Worked out last night with Amanda, we did the Just Dance video game on the Wii, which I got for free from I broke a sweat one song in but did several others, Amanda whooped me even though I have played before. Tonight I am going to take off but I should go for my first run tomorrow while I am in Appleton :)

Keep coming back hopefully I will start to post pictures to go along with this!

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