Sunday, March 29, 2009

Quick review

Well I spent all of last week at a training in Helena, MT. It was a good review and I did actually learn a few new things surrounding stalking and technology, and some new things about advocate privilege. Jon is now driving Hubebe around Wisconsin, albeit with a cracked windshield, because his car is totaled in some Montana junk yard. His visit was great, just what the two of us needed! I am torn between staying where I am and moving into a different place in order to save money for when I go home.

I have been looking at jobs in Milwaukee and all over the US. Very interested in several government jobs that would allow me to move about the US and do a variety of different things. Excited to see where the next 3.5 months takes me and Jon!

Nothing new on the wedding front-still no date set, no place chosen or wedding party invited. We will be waiting until I am back in Wisconsin, even if it is just for a short time, to make those decisions!


Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Pictures from my latest journeys. Pony Loop and Rental Car Weekend

Mail boxes, I don't know why they intrigued me so much but I loved them!

Open road picture...

Ellen and I at the Ruby Res.

Me in front of the standard which way is which sign in front of the Calico of Clay pottery shop.

Part of Virginia City from the vigilante grave yard.

18 Weeks to go!

I am feeling sickly today so what a better time than to write down some plans for the remaining time here in Butte.

1. Host Clothesline Project March 27 and 28
2. Host art contest at local high schools
a. Procure prizes for said contest
b. Come up with a reason for the contest
c. Speak with the groups of art students
3. Produce more presentations and media ready publications
4. Write letter/s for donations of books for resource center, and actually mail them out
5. Follow the lawyer around and learn if that is really something I could do for the remainder of my life

Jon is coming out to visit me this weekend-it's very exciting! He is driving out tomorrow after his interview with Aflac!

I had a blast this past weekend, I rented a car and drove all over god's creation in southwest Montana. I have some pretty pictures to show for it as well as a new dress and some homemade salt water taffy.

22 days until my 2nd anniversary of making better choices :)

Sunday, March 1, 2009

A bit of good news goes a long way!

It has been just about 8 months since I have been in Montana, and except for a few tough days, I have loved it. I keep going back and forth about what to do when I am done in July, should I try and get the husband to move out here and try to make it as a Montanan or go back to being a Wisconsinite...I will most likely move home to Milwaukee with the intention of coming back to Montana sometime.

Good news, we have a theme for Take Back the Night this year. I have to pick a date for my Clothes Line Project weekend as I want to do it in March. I'm looking at shadowing the lawyer in May, trials and such to see if it is something that I would be interested in long term. I think I might be bringing my car out to Montana-hello freedom!!!

Walking and yoga have helped me so much this past month! Yoga is insane, and I'm only doing the simplest, most watered down version! I have been walking to and from poker on Sunday nights and from on Wednesdays. I gave up the most active addiction in my life for "lent", no more facebook/myspace/social networking sites until April sometime.

I'm stoked that next week Sunday is the beginning of Day Light Saving time! Longer days-I have officially survived another winter :) This couldn't have come at a better time for me-it was starting to drag.

I will upload some pictures from my latest journey-Ellen and I went and did the Pony Loop and there are some great sites to see on that loop! I had the best burger I've had since I have been in Montana that day. It was huge and good and almost perfect! The strip club in Milwaukee has the best burger ever! Yumm perfection!