Sunday, March 1, 2009

A bit of good news goes a long way!

It has been just about 8 months since I have been in Montana, and except for a few tough days, I have loved it. I keep going back and forth about what to do when I am done in July, should I try and get the husband to move out here and try to make it as a Montanan or go back to being a Wisconsinite...I will most likely move home to Milwaukee with the intention of coming back to Montana sometime.

Good news, we have a theme for Take Back the Night this year. I have to pick a date for my Clothes Line Project weekend as I want to do it in March. I'm looking at shadowing the lawyer in May, trials and such to see if it is something that I would be interested in long term. I think I might be bringing my car out to Montana-hello freedom!!!

Walking and yoga have helped me so much this past month! Yoga is insane, and I'm only doing the simplest, most watered down version! I have been walking to and from poker on Sunday nights and from on Wednesdays. I gave up the most active addiction in my life for "lent", no more facebook/myspace/social networking sites until April sometime.

I'm stoked that next week Sunday is the beginning of Day Light Saving time! Longer days-I have officially survived another winter :) This couldn't have come at a better time for me-it was starting to drag.

I will upload some pictures from my latest journey-Ellen and I went and did the Pony Loop and there are some great sites to see on that loop! I had the best burger I've had since I have been in Montana that day. It was huge and good and almost perfect! The strip club in Milwaukee has the best burger ever! Yumm perfection!

1 comment:

grovesjon said...

yea if you want you husband to be to move to MT do you think you sould try to tell him be before you blog about cause i checked with him and he could not recall any conversation

He said he might be ok with it but wants to finish school first