Sunday, March 29, 2009

Quick review

Well I spent all of last week at a training in Helena, MT. It was a good review and I did actually learn a few new things surrounding stalking and technology, and some new things about advocate privilege. Jon is now driving Hubebe around Wisconsin, albeit with a cracked windshield, because his car is totaled in some Montana junk yard. His visit was great, just what the two of us needed! I am torn between staying where I am and moving into a different place in order to save money for when I go home.

I have been looking at jobs in Milwaukee and all over the US. Very interested in several government jobs that would allow me to move about the US and do a variety of different things. Excited to see where the next 3.5 months takes me and Jon!

Nothing new on the wedding front-still no date set, no place chosen or wedding party invited. We will be waiting until I am back in Wisconsin, even if it is just for a short time, to make those decisions!


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