Saturday, August 23, 2008

Amazingly Dirty

So today was like any other Saturday, I got up early; I rode the bus for 2.5 hours to do my laundry which takes 45 minutes. I went home I put the laundry away, and I hung out. While I was hanging out by myself I decided to text Katie to see if she might want to perhaps hang out later. She was down, and I was excited. We went to the drive-in movie theatre which is in the next town towards Billings. The drive-in had an amazing view of the mountains with the sun setting. Katie introduced me to her friend who drives this GMC Sierra DIESEL truck. The truck is HOTT!!! So, I know Katie from the Y, and every interaction I have had with her has been very polite, and friendly. Tonight she let her hair down and was just as perverse as I am, and cussed a lot. It was amazing! Her guy friend was just as cool. I think they passed the friend date! :) Then when we were done with the movie (we saw The Rocker, it was a take it or leave it with some amazing quotes), we headed back to Butte, but this time we took the back roads. It was the first time I have been on a gravel/dirt road in a long time. They took me up near the top of M hill, which has an amazing view of Butte, the whole town. You will have to check out the pictures, they don't do the sight justice. Then dude (I have been horrible with names since I got here so I can't tell you want his name is) started talking about the Packers and asked me if I shed a tear or just went out and bought a Jets jersey. I then let it slip that I had a potty mouth and strong opinions. I said the Farve was a douche bag, and a traitor, stating that he should have just taken the money and retired. Dude and Katie were like wow, right on! I think I fit right in here; it should be a good time!

Deuces Anita

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