Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Just a point of personal concern

I can't believe the things that I see on a daily basis. Like this morning, I saw an older woman at work complaining that she doesn't want to vote republican anymore but she sure doesn't want to see a black man in the presidential office-she'd rather vote in Nader. Ok, I see at least two problems with this-the "anymore" in the statement about republicans. I mean really, who ever voted republican has deserved the last 8 years, and the death of millions blame to be shared with them and our fearless, I mean fearful, leader. I'm just glad that she didn't use the word that is so offensive, and disrespectful. And then, to waste your vote on Nader, or any independent for that matter. Just don't vote because you aren't being American throwing your vote away. Be honest with yourself, there will never been an independent in the oval office, not even as a lowly staff person. So, therefore, there should be no federal money given to them in the next election if 3% votes for him/her/they. STOP IT!!!

And then, on my way home from coffee with a lady that is a VISTA in Butte, I witnessed old people flirting. Ok, so there is this lady that drives the bus I ride to get home every day that has been inappropriate before with a gentleman and has disregarded the laws regarding smoking on a public transportation vehicle. But I digress, today anyone could have seen that he was trying to get her to do him a personal favor, and flirting at the same time. Now, I don't mind old people flirting, but I do have a problem with the type of flirting that was going on. You know the kind where they violate the personal space in an attempt to subdue the "get away from me" reflex. Please don't complain about your personal problems and over share in an attempt to get the other person to do the same. The saddest thing, she was falling for it hook, line and sinker.

And, finally, I would like to point out that we are of a certain age and that I understand that we have to keep ourselves healthy. What we don't have to do though is broadcast our attempts to get recognition from the opposite sex. I have also notice that we, when attempting become healthier, have learned to put down our friends in a passive-aggressive way. With a picture just before you go to state fair and say that someone should have said something because you think you don't look attractive enough and were going to eat a cream puff, is just inappropriate. I mean, I know we are a product of our culture but we don't have to cave to that pressure. Health is one thing, yo-yo dieting not acceptable.

Now I have said my piece and peace for that matter, I will leave you to ponder within, and amongst yourselves.

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