Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Life's a funny bitch!

So, since I posted last I found a poker room that has free rolls like I am used to! I saw an amazing movie, and I made a friend :) Jon found this amazing poker room, right down the street from the house, and it does free rolls (which are key right now as I make less than minimum wage). And they were looking for dealers for a tourney this coming weekend. I went and saw Swing Vote, the most amazing movie I have seen in a long time. I'm talking I have wanted my time and money back from some studios in the recent past (hello, Dark Knight). And then on Monday night I went to dinner at a fairly authentic Mexican joint here in Butte. They even had flautas on the menu!!! Then, it all hit the metaphorical fan. My flautas were wrong, and then a HUGE moth flew in from the outside and decided it needed to torture me. I am talking the largest moth I have seen since I lived in Northfield, and those moths were dollar sized. This moth was fine until it flew like a bat out of hell towards my face, and then flitted around in the corner behind me making loud thud noises every time it hit the window. By the time that my proper flautas arrived I was saying just put them in a box to go! Eventually the lady I was out to dinner with said that it was dead, and it appeared she was not lying. I no longer heard the insistent thuds on the window from its failed attempts to be outside again. We chatted, and she drank her margaritas. We laughed, and exchanged crazy dad/family stories. I asked her to drive me by the casino that has live Hold 'Em games, and she obliged. We drove right past the casino the first time and then looped around to see if we couldn't find it another time. I spotted it on the right hand side, all the lights were off on the outside sign, but we drove in anyways. There was sign on the door that stated they were closed temporarily. The lady I was with razzed me about how I had made them close up shop and that I "won" because she had never had a casino close because of her before! I had just talked to the guy who runs the events two days prior. Life is a funny bitch!

I am looking forward to going to Helena tomorrow. Butte is nice and all but damn, I need to be out of it and it's sometimes behind the times attitudes. I am working hard on a media/stuffer for banks, churches, and the electric company now and I feel I have to dumb it down because otherwise the stuffers will not make the September mailings. I can't quote statistics in fear of shocking people in high places; I can't include pictures for the same reason. I am being stretched creatively that's for sure.

I am waiting impatiently for my new canvasses to get to the house so I can start painting again! I am pretty inspired by the books I am reading-they are like my personality conflicted :) I think that this is enough random rantings.

Oh speaking of rantings I posted a rant on montana.craigslist.org rants and raves page about tire gauges, check it out and see if you can figure out which viewpoint mine is.

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