Saturday, August 16, 2008

Trip outside of Butte without business in mind!

Today I set off for the first trip outside of Butte that was not business related. Let me tell you, it was a good feeling when I woke up this morning at 7am for something other than to go to work! I was going to be going somewhere, yet to be determined at that point, for sight-seeing. I wanted to go to the farmer's market first and then Chris, my tour guide from church, said that we should check out the Chamber of Commerce first to decide where we were headed. His only moment of hesitation was that he didn't want to drive too far away. Dude, that was fine by me, on more than one level. We ended up deciding on a boat tour called "Gates of the Mountains". The drive was one that I am fairly familiar with because it is located north of Helena. Lord knows I have been there enough in the last month on business, however I really get a new perspective everytime I go up there so it is nice. We got up to GOTM at 10:03am, this may not be important for most people but we missed the 10a boat, and the 11a boat was full because Big Brothers Big Sister rented it all out. We decided that hanging around there was pointless for 2 hours. We went back into Helena and went to Target, this is a big deal! Butte doesn't have a Target! And then, we went for an early lunch at Applebee's, another big treat as Butte is too uncool to have one of these. We made our way back, up to GOTM and got on the boat. The ride was amazingly beautiful, and I of course took tons of pictures. They are posted at, under anita.pollock. The drive back was good, Chris can really talk A LOT! We went to Three Bears, which is like a Costco, or Sam's. Then he dropped me off at home. Slightly sunburnt, extremely tired, and very impressed! So really, go check out the pictures, they took almost 20 minutes to load you can at least look at them :)

Have an amazing night.

Dueces Anita

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